Anime Creation Process Anime, or Japanese animation, is a popular form of entertainment that has long gained a global audience. The creation of anime involves a team of talented individuals working together to bring a story to life through carefully crafted visuals and sound. Story: The first step in the anime creation process is the development of the story. This typically involves a writer or team of writers coming up with the concept and writing a script. The script will include dialogue and descriptions of the action and visuals. Storyboards: Once the script is complete, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a visual representation of the anime, with sketches of each scene laid out in the order they will appear. The storyboard is used as a guide for the rest of the production process. Characters and backgrounds: Next, the characters and backgrounds are designed by a team of artists. These designs will be used to create the final visuals for the anime. The character desig...
Chapter 395
Chapter summary:
We start with Hinrigh going through the recorded videos from his nen-cat video recordings and find outs that the Heil-ly members were warping within the tier. The Cha-R and the Xi-Yu members including Wang and Hinrigh seem to be discussing the possible abilities and hideouts of the Heil-ly. Wang informs that Nobunaga and co have decided to go inside the room even if it were a trap.
We now cut to Nobunaga and co, going inside the room beside the trap room. Feitan keeps the person inside in check while Nobunaga opens a way inside the toilet by cutting it down. The person moves in followed by them. Nobunaga talks about how the activities of this group seemed related to theirs, to which Phinks objects. Nobunaga reaffirms that they were indeed like them in the beginning.
We now cut to the sudden and much-awaited back story of the Spiders. We see a double-page spread of the Meteor city in the background. Kid Franklin, Shalnark, and Chrollo can be seen searching for items in the dump. Shalnark finds a tape that he passes to Franklin, they seem to be working in a group. Similarly, other members of the Troupe also seem to be working in other groups like Machi and Uvo seem to be working together.
Kid Machi spots them and asks to hand over the tape, to which Franklin objects and passed it to Chrollo and asks him to find out about its content. Uvo objects to it and confronts Franklin while Chrollo escapes. We see kid Phinks riding a bike along with Feitan and threatening Chrollo to hand over the tape, he tricks them by handing over an old tape that he has already watched.
We see Chrollo enter a church where we see a pastor warning him to avoid visiting the graves alone since the raiding parties have penetrated the inner-city neighborhoods. Chrollo enters the screening room where we see young Paku sitting. They discuss the newly found tape and play it and it is the episode of Clean-Up Rangers! It is in a foreign language that Chrollo had already mastered. They decide to watch it together but Chrollo tells that dubbing it in their language and then watching would be much more enjoyable. He asks Paku to pick up members for dubbing. Paku agrees and leaves to go find out about dubbing members. She meets Sheila and Sarasa and they agree to dub. Chrollo pops up and flashes the script he wrote for the anime. Paku is surprised at the speed and talent of Chrollo.
We then see them in the room dubbing the episode.
Personal Thoughts:
Superb chapter, completely mesmerized by it. The much-awaited backstory of Spiders is finally here. The Hunter x Hunter community was very much waiting for this. Togashi has answered his fans' dreams.
This will certainly change the dynamics between the Spiders and the other characters, now that we know what possible led them to this path. It would be interesting to know more about how Kurapika would react to this and how things will shape up before we reach the dark continent. This climax of the succession arc itself will be a huge event, and just imagining that the starting of the DC arc will begin after this impactful arc gets wrapped up is difficult to absorb because of the insane amount of hype that's been created of the recent buildups, which just gets to show how crazy the dark continent arc might be!
A solid 10/10 for me. Thanks for reading!
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