Anime Creation Process Anime, or Japanese animation, is a popular form of entertainment that has long gained a global audience. The creation of anime involves a team of talented individuals working together to bring a story to life through carefully crafted visuals and sound. Story: The first step in the anime creation process is the development of the story. This typically involves a writer or team of writers coming up with the concept and writing a script. The script will include dialogue and descriptions of the action and visuals. Storyboards: Once the script is complete, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a visual representation of the anime, with sketches of each scene laid out in the order they will appear. The storyboard is used as a guide for the rest of the production process. Characters and backgrounds: Next, the characters and backgrounds are designed by a team of artists. These designs will be used to create the final visuals for the anime. The character desig...
How did Hisoka develop Bungee gum?
First, let's look at the possible meaning behind the name Hisoka Morrow, where Hisoka literally means "reserved or secretive" and Morrow means "the next day/morning". So, secret morning it is ?
Morning can in one way be thought of as something that comes after darkness, so in a way, it seems, that Hisoka is secretly working to kill the darkness or evil.
Evolution of his nen ability
Nen ability appears predominantly from what the user experiences, like Killua's electricity, since he was consistently exposed to electricity when he was a kid.So, I was thinking of ways and scenarios that led Hisoka to particularly develop/activate his rubber/gum abilities:
1) From his childhood, he was loved and protected, by his relatives, friends and clan members. So, the bonding Hisoka had with them was very strong, and his trust in them was so strong that he created this innate ability through raw feelings, which reciprocates with a strong feeling of staying together corresponding to the gum nature.
2) He was loved a lot and the people around him were weaklings but courageous people who would just jump in to fight the enemies without caring for their lives while staying in a damp place, so he naturally developed this ability to protect them or make them stay near him so that they are not in danger. Again, similar feelings.
3) He might have started as a relatively weak boy, developed the gum ability to stay with his group and stay safe, the bonding between them was great enough for Hisoka to risk his life, so he would stay near the group with his gum ability (urge force) and use the rubber ability with gum attached to the group to bounce around the enemy, to scare them off (of course these abilities got shape over time because of his urges and desires). But, after the group/clan members died, he became very cold and perceptive.
4) We know that evolution was talked about fairly by Netero, so, if we consider this analogy let's say a human being, who is much suited to the normal environmental conditions or ambient environment, is suddenly kept in a very cold place, most likely in extreme cases, his body will have to generate heat in order to stay alive including external factors. It might then take the shape of fire. That is, for the sake of survival, polarity is created. If one is present in excess, the other must be produced more to stay alive. So, considering this analogy, Hisoka might have been at a place where it required him to develop his current powers, which evolved and helped him survive there. I can imagine a number of high elevated grounds connected to each other by massive trees, one mistake and you fall to the never seen depths. A place where it is difficult to build bridges because of the huge elevation difference in the grounds. This might be a suitable spot for him to use rubber and gum while flying around in that place.
I imagine his home place to look something like this:
This whole power stuff can serve as plot points for character flashbacks. I am really excited to see more of his development. Just like what happened to Kurapika's clan, maybe somebody wiped out his clan members or some serious things happened, which probably shaped him to be the person that he is today.
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