Anime Creation Process Anime, or Japanese animation, is a popular form of entertainment that has long gained a global audience. The creation of anime involves a team of talented individuals working together to bring a story to life through carefully crafted visuals and sound. Story: The first step in the anime creation process is the development of the story. This typically involves a writer or team of writers coming up with the concept and writing a script. The script will include dialogue and descriptions of the action and visuals. Storyboards: Once the script is complete, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a visual representation of the anime, with sketches of each scene laid out in the order they will appear. The storyboard is used as a guide for the rest of the production process. Characters and backgrounds: Next, the characters and backgrounds are designed by a team of artists. These designs will be used to create the final visuals for the anime. The character desig...
Very warm greetings to dear readers,
hope you all are living your dream. I am Chinniyan, I created this blog for publishing my views, takes and various fanworks based on Webtoons and other comic/manga/manhwa. I believe comics are a great way/medium to describe or put out your ideas in front of the people. It inspires a lot of people to get a feel of the qualities of the protagonists or heroes which can be inculcated in our day to day lives to live and lead a quality life filled with adventures and journey. I too like many many enthusiasts have read many notable comics/manga and most importantly its anime or movie adaptations.
In the coming days, I will begin by talking about the series which I liked the most. I will now begin describing when and what anime I watched and a few other things.
The very first anime that I ever watched was "Pokemon" that too when I was in my fourth grade, followed by "Digimon" and then "Dragon Ball". I didn't know that they were called anime those days until I reached my college, where I came to know about "Naruto". After watching this series I was so much into it like my many other friends that we used to binge-watch the series till morning and even used to skip dinner in our mess. Then in the morning, we had to rush to our classes and also pay attention to the lectures too. The thing that fascinated me was how were we able to cope up with all of this, like watching all night and then attending lectures then coming back to watch it again. Usually, people get tired when they do these kinds of activity but there was something in the story and the cliffhangers after every episode that made you watch the next one. After completing "Naruto" I came to know that these things are not called cartoons but they are known as anime. One day one of my friends introduced me to "One Piece", he showed me certain hype clips and scenes/AMV's to convince me to watch it. But I was not that interested, which was the reason I watched the clips he showed me in the first place. In my mind, "Naruto" was on God's level and I thought there is nothing more interesting and amazing than "Naruto" out there. But since I had spare time I just thought of watching "One Piece", then again the same thing happened I kept on watching and watching it. In the midst of it, another of my friends asked me to watch "Death Note", in short, this is where I began realizing the beauty of these things and later went on to watch many other amazing series. You won't believe me but when I reached the current final episode of Naruto that time I became restless and wanted to know more about what would happen next, that's when I came across manga, that these illustrations have stories beyond the currently aired anime episodes. This way I started to get more into this form of entertainment.
The first Webtoon series that I read was "Noblesse", the artwork was amazing and I anticipated the series to be badass and later found out that it sure was and the story was good, even though it kinda felt that the setting had started to repeat more frequently later on in the story. The second series which I read is one of the most spectacular series I have ever read, almost all aspects of it are top-notch from world-building to character development to foreshadowings to mysteries to designs to all the major aspects of the series. I am talking about "Tower of God", which recently completed its first season of anime release. The fact that a non-Japanese work got animated in Japan tells you a lot about the weight/impact it has in the industry. In the trailer, we came to know that the series was read by over 4.5 billion people, which is absolutely insane and also commendable. It is one of my all-time favorite series and I have done a lot of fan-work for this series just to make it reach a wider audience so that it gets approval for an anime adaptation. When we got it I was very happy that finally, we are getting something that the author SIU and his turtles deserved.
I don't want to make this post too long so I will be ending it here but I will upload a few of the works that I did back for the "Tower of God" series and then talk about it and then later I will get into other series as well.
Thank you so much for being patient and reading it. I hope you will join me on this journey of exploration and many more interesting things that we will do so till then take care of yourselves.
A short video I made for the opening ceremony! 😇
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