Anime Creation Process Anime, or Japanese animation, is a popular form of entertainment that has long gained a global audience. The creation of anime involves a team of talented individuals working together to bring a story to life through carefully crafted visuals and sound. Story: The first step in the anime creation process is the development of the story. This typically involves a writer or team of writers coming up with the concept and writing a script. The script will include dialogue and descriptions of the action and visuals. Storyboards: Once the script is complete, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a visual representation of the anime, with sketches of each scene laid out in the order they will appear. The storyboard is used as a guide for the rest of the production process. Characters and backgrounds: Next, the characters and backgrounds are designed by a team of artists. These designs will be used to create the final visuals for the anime. The character desig...
Hi readers, Hope you all are rocking. We have an important announcement from the author of the Tower of God series. He had been on Hiatus since June of this year and had been recuperating from wrist injuries and hernia, he had also reported back-ache and other problems too. All this plus the pressure of releasing considerably long chapters every week which he had been doing for several years was sure going to be tough. But SIU as we know is a warrior who has been defeating these problems for many years now. The concern of the die-hard fans of this series is that if SIU has really completely healed or not. Since for them, it is not just the content he provides but the bond that has been formed between him and his readers through his consistent weekly blogposts or after-words and also because of his nature that people have been following for many years. The fans always express their concern, gratitude, and give moral support to him on various platforms. Wish he could read it and kno...